How do I find interviews and news reels

Once on the page there are five filters, you can choose one, two, all or none.

If you can type of REEL, this is a HIGH level section. Who the interviewer is: Mel Allen, Vin Scully, Bill Stern, ect.

Show Name:

Homerun Derby, Bill Stern Show, Don Drysdale Bullpen, ect.


Pick any player listed or type away and see what we have

Once you conduct your search, click on a tile, and once you are there the audio player sits on top of the page, start listening.

All tiles, interviewers, players, teams, related content can be clicked to visit those pages (you need to right click though or you will stop the audio).


Search and enjoy as of today we have 800+ audios to explore and many more on the way!

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